6 Threats In The Fertility for Women!

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Currently, you want to have children soon. Please note, there are many things that eventually discouraged you to quickly get pregnant.

This six fertility threats you need to know, as reviewed Cosmopolitan.

Venereal disease bacterium

Condoms are the best protection against the threat of fertility, such as chlamydia and gonorrhea. If untreated, this bacterial infection can enter the uterus and fallopian tubes are then transformed into a more serious condition called pelvic inflammatory disease (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease / PID). What is scary, one in five women with PID risk of infertility.

Chlamydia and gonorrhea is caught early can be easily cured with drugs. But not all women experience symptoms such as discharge is green-yellow or burning sensation and pain in the genitals, so they do not know that they are infected and never seek treatment. In essence, perform routine health checks your genitals in a gynecologist.

Do not want to eat seafood

Shark, swordfish (swordfish), and mackerel usually contain high levels of mercury, which is associated with infertility, miscarriage, and birth defects. Because it takes longer to remove mercury from your digestion, avoid food choices before you are ready to conceive. You can replace it with other important nutritious seafood low mercury, such as shrimp, salmon, and tuna.

Fertility history

Find out there you have a history of fertility, for example from the mother. Infertility causes of diseases and conditions such as endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome, uterine fibroids, and early menopause in which all related to genetics. By know it early, you can seek treatment more quickly thereby increasing the chances of becoming pregnant.


Stress can disrupt your menstrual cycle. A recent study published in the journal Fertility and Sterility found that women take longer to conceive if they have high levels of enzymes associated with stress. So it is important to hone skills for stress relaxation does not interfere with your menstrual cycle.


Many women do not consider themselves smokers because nicotine was not addictive, and only smoke occasionally. Although rare, smoking is still harmful to fertility. Cigarette smoke toxins harmful to the oviduct, the egg cause chromosome damage, and damage your ability to produce estrogen, which prepares the lining of the uterus for pregnancy. Plus, smokers who successfully become pregnant have a higher rate of miscarriage.

Fear of fat

If too thin (BMI below 18.5), the body may stop ovulating because you do not have enough fat to support pregnancy. On the other hand, grossly overweight (BMI over 30) also make ovulation irregular because of the high fat cells throughout your body. So, start implementing good eating habits to maintain BMI values remain ideal.

reff : http://ligaartis.blogspot.com/2011/01/6-threats-in-fertility-for-women.html

Related video : 6 Threats In The Fertility for Women!